
Following server migration, please update IPv4 & IPv6 records and ACL regarding Gentoo rsync and distfile mirrors hosted by Linuxant.fr as following:
  * IPv4 mirrors are now hosted on,
  * IPv6 mirrors are now hosted on 2001:41d0:8:727a:2e:69:2a:9,
* record mirrors.linuxant.fr was updated in order to reflect this changes,
  * record rsync1.fr.gentoo.org should be updated accordingly.

The new server is already synced from today 7:00 AM CET for both rsync and distfiles, and waiting for access to main Gentoo mirrors in order to be up-to-date.

Ticket https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=444127 was created in order to track this request.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards.

Linuxant.fr Admin

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