On Friday 16 December 2005 19:01, Brian Harring wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2005 at 12:09:10PM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > On Thursday 15 December 2005 20:06, Brian Harring wrote:
> > > This is the only blocker for merging parallel-fetch as far as I can
> > > tell- so... my vote is nuking the wait out of portage.portageexit
> > > (it's exec subsystem crap, belong in exec's atexit (where it exists)).
> > > Assuming no complaints there, issues with parallel-fetch going into
> > > svn?
> >
> > Nuking the wait is fine if things will still work the same.. I'm kind of
> > wondering if ctrl-c'ing behaviour will change - how gets the ctrl-c
> > first?
> ctrl-c doesn't come in play here- just triggers exithandler, which
> calls portageexit.  What's stupid about this code is that exithandler
> has it's *own* set of kill calls in it (nothing like 101 duplicated
> bits).
> Either way... exit, or nothing left to execute, python will then
> trigger atexit registered callbacks in a lifo manner.  So all
> exithandler really _should_ have to do is just sys.exit.

I mean for when a sub-process is running such as ebuild or rsync. Will portage 
get the SIGINT before or at the same time as the sub-process causing portage 
to then SIGKILL it while it's trying to exit cleanly? Given that portage's 
atexit handler is registered after portage_exec's, the subprocess reaping 
code would not have been doing anything in the past. I guess the question is 
more a general one rather than specifically related to background fetching.

Jason Stubbs
gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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