On Tue, 2006-14-03 at 00:39 +0200, tvali wrote:
> Hello!
> I am thinking about making user interface for portage.
> I see the possibility to browse portage tree, turning different
> filters on and off, as it's most important feature. I dont think that
> it should contain any functions for updating, emerging or unmerging or
> syncing at it's beginning, as i think that i havent used portage long
> enough to make a clear design of such a tool.
> Anyway, package browser would be usable for me as a new user of
> portage.
> I describe shortly, what i see as it's functionality:
> * General UI, which looks like a classical e-mail client with
> folder-list on left panel, mail-list on top and one e-mail on bottom.
> Additionally, top and bottom panel should be together in right panel.
> * Left panel contains 2 main folders -- one is to access folders
> in /usr/portage/, another contains keywords like kdebase-meta (or
> kde-base) -- which has packages like kdegraphics-meta inside it (click
> +). This other tree should be hand-made tree + "others" folder, last
> containing all package groups, which are not included in this tree. At
> least, i think that automation may not be possible -- it depends on
> structure, which i dont know.
> * Right panel, which contains tabs -- first tab is for top/bottom
> panels, other are web browsers (konqueror).
> * Top panel contains package list like detailed view of folders
> * Botton panel contains details -- also button for opening www-address
> of package in new tab.
> + there should be search feature.
> + some special folders should be added: --update world, which contains
> all outdated packages jpc. As it would be slow, portage or this UI
> should be cache such things and clean this cache when --sync happens.
> It is possible that integration into Konqueror could be simple and
> usable (like portage:/ protocol).
> In future, additional features like tray-icon for autosync and
> notifications, also adding packages to world and removing, could be
> considered; code should be build in such way that is would be possible
> to add them later in different ways.
> -- 
> tvali

For KDE there are 2 projects that come to mind Kuroo, and another one
that was designed to run in Konguerer, but I don't remember the name.
Kuroo is being actively developed right now, I don't recall seeing
anything recently on the other one.

If your thinking of something being coded in python so that it can
interact with and use portage code for information retrieval then check
out Porthole.  It is a gtk app not KDE, but will run on a KDE desktop.
It sounds like it already does things similar to what you had in mind.

If you wanted to port the gui code from pygtk to pyQt, I am sure that
there would be a number of KDE users that would be pleased.  I would
definitely consider adding an optional KDE interface to it. :)


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