Per some discussion on IRC, I am bring stablizing 2.1 at the pre9 or
pre10 branch to the table.  Reasons for doing so include:

2006.1 - They say if 2.1 is to be in 2006.1, mid-july
Xorg Modular - They cannot stable xorg modular until 2.1 is stable
FreeBSD - Their entire port depends on features and bugfixes in the 2.1
Feature use - People are already running/using features in 2.1 to the
point where we have had to backport features and do -rX releases of a
dead codebase ( 2.0.54 )

For these reasons I request we release pre9 as an rc canidate, set a
feature freeze, and then stable it.  During this a 2.2 branch can be
created for future development with this codebase.

Why Branch at 2.1_pre9?
Manifest2 is already in the tree and needs refinement.  Branching at
pre7 is also a canidate, but i would rather press for keeping manifest2
in the tree and fixing up it's code instead.

TimeLine: If all goes well, we can do an rc sometime this week:
May 3rd : RC1
May 6th : RC2
May 9th : RC3
May 12th : RC4
May 15th : RC5
May 18th : RC6
May 21st : RC7
May 24th : RC8
May 27th : RC9 ( if needed )
May 30th : RC10 ( if needed )
June 5th : ~arch sys-apps/portage-2.1
July 6th : sys-apps/portage-2.1

Problems:  We may miss the timeline and thats ok.  Releng wants a
working portage, not a bugging POS portage-2.1 that wasn't ready for
release.  This timeline is relatively tight and I think it's a nice goal
to set, it's not imperative that we reach it.

Comments, Questions, opinions?


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