# Portage has 3 security levels that depend on the uid and gid of the main
# process and are assigned according to the following table:
# Privileges  secpass  uid    gid
# normal      0        any    any
# group       1        any    portage_gid
# super       2        0      any
# If the "wheel" group does not exist then wheelgid falls back to 0.
# If the "portage" group does not exist then portage_uid falls back to 

if uid==0:
        if (not secpass) and (wheelgid in os.getgroups()):

secpass=1 is for being in the portage group...what difference does wheel make?

fex, permissions on /usr/portage/distfiles are

drwxrwsr-x 4 root portage 20480 May 12 10:56 /usr/portage/distfiles/

so with secpass 1 I should be able to fetch, but can't because I'm in wheel 
and not portage.

So I send this mail with the question "am I missing something?"

gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

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