On 6/24/06, Andrew Gaffney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dan Corson wrote:
> Even when I am running 'emerge' non-interactively, I like to have the
> dependency record afforded by --tree.  Currently when updating my system
> non-interactively to get this I have to do:
>   (emerge -uDtv world; emerge -uDv world) &> logfile
> because --tree implies --pretend.  Could this implication be dropped?
> Thanks, --Dan
> P.S. If this is a reasonable request, it might be reasonable for the
> other options that imply --pretend that I don't use, namely --changelog
> and --columns.
> P.P.S. Even
>   echo y | emerge -auDtv world
> doesn't work because --ask wants a terminal.

Your request doesn't even make sense. AFAIK, the *only* thing --tree affects is
the output of the package list as part of --pretend (and --ask). If --tree
didn't imply --pretend, 'emerge -uDtv world' would give you the exact same
output as 'emerge -uDv world'.

Andrew Gaffney                            http://dev.gentoo.org/~agaffney/
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project
gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

I am sorry, you are indeed correct.  What I should have requested is: a way to have the package list output in non-interactive, package-installing (that is, not --pretend) execution.  It may be that --pretend is a little over-loaded currently.  (I was confused, at any rate, as you can see.)  Thanks, --Dan

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