Please reply on gentoo-portage-dev, _not_ on gentoo-dev, thanks.

One missing feature in portage is the lack of package sets. Before we
(re)start working on that however I'd like to get some feedback about
what properties/features people would expect from portage package set
Some key questions:

- should they simply act like aliases for multiple packages? E.g.
should `emerge -C sets/kde` be equivalent to `emerge -C kdepkg1 kdepkg2
kdepkg3 ...`? Or does the behavior need to be "smarter" in some ways?

- what kind of atoms should be supported in sets? Simple and versioned
atoms for sure, but what about complex atoms (use-conditional, any-of,

- should sets be supported everywhere, or only in selected use cases?
(everywhere would include depstrings for example)

- what use cases are there for package sets? Other than the established
"system" and "world", and the planned "all" and "security" sets.

- how/where should sets be stored/distributed?

Please reply on gentoo-portage-dev, _not_ on gentoo-dev, thanks.


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