On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 20:04:41 +0200
Björn Michaelsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I worked through the current PMS and tried to formalize the grammar
> for DEPEND a little better. Maybe someone could have a look at it and
> check it for correctness. It could even become part of the gentoo
> development docs or be an appendix to the PMS. The other grammars
> (SRC_URI etc.) should be fairly easy.
> Any comments?

Offhand the 'package name' part is wrong/incomplete, pretty sure even
PMS says that they can't start/end with underscores or dashes (it's a
real PITA to get it right).
Haven't really read the non-terminals section as it's hard to read in
this form, using EBNF or some markup language might help with that.

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