On Mon, 12 May 2008 20:01:34 +0200
Fabian Groffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After a short discussion on #-portage, here a feature patch from the
> prefix branch, diffed to the trunk, irrelevant hunks removed.
> Antarus once was working on factoring out the vcs bits of repoman into
> pym/repoman/utilities.py, but he never finished it.  I'm willing to
> give that some more time, provided it'll end up in the trunk.  Sofar,
> here's the svn patch that we tested extensively in Prefix ;)  I still
> believe that it has a significant value for non-Prefix users
> (overlays...), even though the code doesn't deserve any price for its
> beauty.  I'd say it fits nicely with large chunks of Portage :p

Merged in r10325 with some minor changes (removed the 'svn update' bit
until someone remembers why exactly it's there, skip the commit
optimization for svn regarding Manifest regeneration, unify isVcs and
vcs variables)


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