On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 20:51:45 +0100
Mike Auty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Sorry,
>       I lost my notes from when I last looked these over several
> months ago, and only just found them again.  I haven't copied this to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], so let me know if I should do that.  I just had a quick
> couple of things I was thinking about, and one of them I figured out
> during my re-read, so it's only really the following...
> In this Glep (xx+1), in the section discussing the procedure for
> creating a MetaManifest file, in step 3.3, does that include
> verification of the manifest's signature if it has one?  It would seem
> odd to ignore the signature if it's wrong (I'm not sure about the case
> if a signature isn't present).  I also don't know how this would then
> be handled (a complete abort, or ignoring the latest changeset to that
> ebuild?).

I don't think that verification at this stage would be a good idea. The
only sane way to respond to a failed check would be to either exclude
the whole package from the sync (keeping the state from the last run),
leading to various problems (what if it's a critical bugfix/security
bump, or breaks a the deptree of many packages?), or not record the
Manifest in the Metamanifest, which hasn't any benefits over reyling on
the client doing the verification.


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