Try esearch.

emerge esearch
esearch ...

2008/11/23 Emma Strubell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi everyone. My name is Emma, and I am completely new to this list. I've
> been using Gentoo since 2004, including Portage of course, and before I say
> anything else I'd like to say thanks to everyone for such a kickass package
> management system!!
> Anyway, for my final project in my Data Structures & Algorithms class this
> semester, I would like to modify the search functionality in emerge.
> Something I've always noticed about 'emerge -s' or '-S' is that, in general,
> it takes a very long time to perform the searches. (Although, lately it does
> seem to be running faster, specifically on my laptop as opposed to my
> desktop. Strangely, though, it seems that when I do a simple 'emerge -av
> whatever' on my laptop it takes a very long time for emerge to find the
> package and/or determine the dependecies -  whatever it's doing behind that
> spinner. I can definitely go into more detail about this if anyone's
> interested. It's really been puzzling me!) So, as my final project I've
> proposed to improve the time it takes to perform a search using emerge. My
> professor suggested that I look into implementing indexing.
> However, I've started looking at the code, and I must admit I'm pretty
> overwhelmed! I don't know where to start. I was wondering if anyone on here
> could give me a quick overview of how the search function currently works,
> an idea as to what could be modified or implemented in order to improve the
> running time of this code, or any tip really as to where I should start or
> what I should start looking at. I'd really appreciate any help or advice!!
> Thanks a lot, and keep on making my Debian-using professor jealous :]
> Emma


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