Is there syntax in eix for querying: "is package X installed with a version X.Y or higher?"

René 'Necoro' Neumann wrote:
Amit Dor-Shifer schrieb:
> Thanks :)

> Reason I thought this is relevant is: I'm basically looking for an API
> to get an installed package's version/rev. I prefer that over making
> syntactical assumptions on the way portage names packages.

> Taking RPM for example, there's such an API: something like rpm -q
> --queryformat '%{VERSION}|' PKG_NAME if I remember correctly.|

> Amit

You could also use eix ... though I needed quite a time to figure it out ;)

# PRINT_SLOTS="false" eix -e -I sys-devel/automake --pure-packages
--format "<installedversionsshort>"
1.9.6-r2 1.10.1-r1

Note however, that if you a package has multiple installed versions,
they are seperated by space. One could use

# PRINT_SLOTS="false" eix -e -I sys-devel/automake --pure-packages
--format "<installedversionsshort:\n>"

But this prints an additional empty line at the beginning.

> Andrew Gaffney wrote:
>> Amit Dor-Shifer wrote:
>>> Given the following:
>>> # qlist -Iv sys-apps/portage
>>> sys-apps/portage-
>>> How do I safely extract the ""?
>> That's probably offtopic for this list, since it really has nothing to
>> do with portage itself. However, you probably want something like:
>> qlist -Iv sys-apps/portage | sed -e 's:^.*-\([0-9][^-_]*\).*$:\1:'

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