On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 11:35 +0100, Markus Duft wrote:
> Hey guys :)
> Just wanted to stop by and get some opinions on a patch i wrote for the
> prefix branch.

argh... managed to fail to attach the patch _again_ :) at least i
managed to add the output stuff i mentioned before to the patch in the
meantime. so this patch should be pretty much complete.

Thanks and Cheers, Markus

> i'll try and explain what i want in the first place: i'm porting things
> to native windows. since windows isn't too cooperative, i'm unable to
> merge most things (and with other things, i simply don't want to), and
> thus i need to take those things from somewhere else (more or less the
> complete @system). I _am_ able to build all those things for interix
> (which is the host system in the windows case). So what i want is a
> setup of two prefix instances with a certain relation to each other: the
> native windows prefix should be able to recognize installed packages
> from the other instance, and resolve dependencies by eventually using
> the other .../var/db/...
> This could be (and is) quite usefull for all other platforms too. For
> exmaple i could use prefix chaining on a linux box. I could create a
> prefix containing a base system, and then for testing of
> i-don't-know-whatever, i could create another small prefix inheriting
> all installed packages from the other one. this way new prefixes can
> stay very slim, but still the "parent" prefix is not altered on merges.
> one issue not handled by the current patch is, that prefixes can have
> different CHOST/ARCH/... (which is the case with x86-interix and
> x86-winnt for example).
> another thing is, that i plan to add some output in the merge list,
> telling the user, which packages have been readonly-resolved from
> another portage instance. right now the dependency is treated as if it
> didn't exist.
> all together, i'm pretty sure i did the one or the other forbidden thing
> in my patch, but that's why i'm asking the guys-who-know :) it was hard
> enough to read the portage source and get where i am, so i'm happy with
> the result ;)
> Waiting for comments, suggestions, etc.
> Thanks in advance,
> Cheers, Markus
diff -ru portage.orig/pym/_emerge/__init__.py portage/pym/_emerge/__init__.py
--- portage.orig/pym/_emerge/__init__.py	2009-03-18 10:13:34.000000000 +0100
+++ portage/pym/_emerge/__init__.py	2009-03-20 12:08:49.000000000 +0100
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 import portage.xpak, commands, errno, re, socket, time
 from portage.output import blue, bold, colorize, darkblue, darkgreen, darkred, green, \
 	nc_len, red, teal, turquoise, xtermTitle, \
-	xtermTitleReset, yellow
+	xtermTitleReset, yellow, purple
 from portage.output import create_color_func
 good = create_color_func("GOOD")
 bad = create_color_func("BAD")
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
 from portage.util import cmp_sort_key, writemsg, writemsg_level
 from portage.sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX
 from portage.sets.base import InternalPackageSet
+from portage.dbapi.vartree import vartree
 from itertools import chain, izip
@@ -4692,6 +4693,7 @@
 		self._unsatisfied_deps_for_display = []
 		self._unsatisfied_blockers_for_display = None
 		self._circular_deps_for_display = None
+		self._injected_readonly_deps_for_display = []
 		self._dep_stack = []
 		self._unsatisfied_deps = []
 		self._initially_unsatisfied_deps = []
@@ -5270,18 +5272,35 @@
 		if removal_action and self.myopts.get("--with-bdeps", "y") == "n":
 			edepend["DEPEND"] = ""
+		# MDUFT: create additional vartrees for every readonly root here
+		# (maybe FakeVartree's?). Then below search those trees and set
+		# mypriority.satisfied to True.
+		# the ro_vartrees instances are created below as they are needed to
+		# avoid reading vartrees of portage instances which aren't required
+		# while resolving this dependencies.
+		ro_trees = {}
+		ro_vartrees = {}
+		for type in ("DEPEND","RDEPEND", "PDEPEND"):
+			ro_trees[type] = []
+			for ro_root, ro_dep_types in self.settings.readonly_roots.items():
+				if type in ro_dep_types:
+					ro_trees[type].append(ro_root)
 		deps = (
-			("/", edepend["DEPEND"],
+			("/", "DEPEND",
 				self._priority(buildtime=(not bdeps_optional),
-			(myroot, edepend["RDEPEND"], self._priority(runtime=True)),
-			(myroot, edepend["PDEPEND"], self._priority(runtime_post=True))
+			(myroot, "RDEPEND", self._priority(runtime=True)),
+			(myroot, "PDEPEND", self._priority(runtime_post=True))
 		debug = "--debug" in self.myopts
 		strict = mytype != "installed"
-			for dep_root, dep_string, dep_priority in deps:
+			for dep_root, dep_type, dep_priority in deps:
+				dep_string = edepend[dep_type]
 				if not dep_string:
 				if debug:
@@ -5309,6 +5328,32 @@
 						if not atom.blocker and vardb.match(atom):
 							mypriority.satisfied = True
+						# MDUFT: How erver we do it - if we find "atom" beeing installed
+						# in a valid readonly root for the current dependency type, then
+						# _DONT_ call the below, but rather return 1 immediately.
+						for ro_root in ro_trees[dep_type]:
+							if not ro_vartrees.has_key(ro_root):
+								# target_root=ro_root ok? or should it be the real target_root?
+								_tmp_settings = portage.config(config_root=ro_root, target_root=ro_root,
+									config_incrementals=portage.const.INCREMENTALS)
+								#_tmp_trees = portage.util.LazyItemsDict()
+								#_tmp_trees.addLazySingleton("vartree", vartree, ro_root,
+								#	categories=_tmp_settings.categories, settings=_tmp_settings)
+								#setconfig = load_default_config(_tmp_trees["vartree"].settings, _tmp_trees)
+								#ro_vartrees[ro_root] = FakeVartree(RootConfig(_tmp_trees["vartree"].settings,
+								#	_tmp_trees, setconfig), acquire_lock=0)
+								ro_vartrees[ro_root] = vartree(root=ro_root, categories=_tmp_settings.categories, settings=_tmp_settings, kill_eprefix=True)
+							ro_matches = ro_vartrees[ro_root].dbapi.match(atom)
+							if ro_matches:
+								#TODO: print notice, just the same as the rest of the
+								# self.*_for_display stuff.
+								self._injected_readonly_deps_for_display.append({"ro_root" : ro_root, "atom" : atom, "matches": ro_matches, "type": dep_type})
+								return 1
 						if not self._add_dep(Dependency(atom=atom,
 							blocker=atom.blocker, depth=depth, parent=pkg,
 							priority=mypriority, root=dep_root),
@@ -8457,6 +8502,19 @@
 		for x in blockers:
 			print x
+		# print _injected_readonly_deps_for_display.
+		if len(self._injected_readonly_deps_for_display) > 0:
+			out.write("\n%s\n" % (darkgreen("Packages resolved from readonly installations:")))
+		for x in self._injected_readonly_deps_for_display:
+			tmp_type = x["type"]
+			while len(tmp_type) < 9:
+				tmp_type += " "
+			out.write("  [ %s ] %s %s %s (matched: %s)" % (teal(tmp_type), green(str(x["atom"])), yellow("from"), blue(x["ro_root"]), turquoise(str(x["matches"]))))
+		if len(self._injected_readonly_deps_for_display) > 0:
+			out.write("\n")
 		if verbosity == 3:
 			print counters
@@ -11825,6 +11883,7 @@
 		for x in candidate_catpkgs:
 			# cycle through all our candidate deps and determine
 			# what will and will not get unmerged
 				mymatch = vartree.dbapi.match(x)
 			except portage.exception.AmbiguousPackageName, errpkgs:
diff -ru portage.orig/pym/portage/__init__.py portage/pym/portage/__init__.py
--- portage.orig/pym/portage/__init__.py	2009-03-18 10:13:35.000000000 +0100
+++ portage/pym/portage/__init__.py	2009-03-20 09:05:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -1236,6 +1236,7 @@
 			self._accept_license = copy.deepcopy(clone._accept_license)
 			self._plicensedict = copy.deepcopy(clone._plicensedict)
+			self.readonly_roots = copy.deepcopy(clone.readonly_roots)
 			def check_var_directory(varname, var):
@@ -1802,6 +1803,50 @@
 			# but needs to be available using portageq
 			self["EPREFIX"] = EPREFIX
+			# expand READONLY_EROOT to a list of all readonly portage instances
+			# all the way down to the last one. beware that ATM a deeper instance
+			# in the chain can provide more than the toplevel! this means that
+			# if you only inherit DEPENDS from one instance, that instance may
+			# inherit RDEPENDs from another one, making the top-level instance
+			# inherit RDEPENDs from there too - even if the intermediate prefix
+			# does not do this.
+			self.readonly_roots = {}
+			my_ro_current_instance = config_root
+			while True:
+				my_ro_current_make_conf_file = os.path.join(my_ro_current_instance,MAKE_CONF_FILE.lstrip(os.path.sep))
+				if os.path.exists(my_ro_current_make_conf_file):
+					my_ro_cfg = getconfig(my_ro_current_make_conf_file)
+					if my_ro_cfg.has_key("READONLY_EROOT"):
+						if not my_ro_cfg["READONLY_EROOT"].find(":"):
+							raise portage.exception.InvalidReadonlyRoot("ERROR: malformed READONLY_EROOT in %s" % (my_ro_current_make_conf_file))
+						(my_ro_cfg_root,my_ro_cfg_root_deps) = my_ro_cfg["READONLY_EROOT"].rsplit(":",1)
+						if not os.path.exists(my_ro_cfg_root):
+							raise portage.exception.InvalidReadonlyRoot("ERROR: malformed READONLY_EROOT in %s: path does not exist!" % (my_ro_current_instance))
+						if self.readonly_roots.has_key(my_ro_cfg_root):
+							raise portage.exception.InvalidReadonlyRoot("ERROR: circular READONLY_EROOT's in %s. %s already checked for %s" % (my_ro_current_make_conf_file, my_ro_cfg_root, self.readonly_roots[my_ro_cfg_root]))
+						if my_ro_cfg_root == config_root:
+							raise portage.exception.InvalidReadonlyRoot("ERROR: cannot add this instance as READONLY_EROOT in %s." % (my_ro_current_make_conf_file))
+						self.readonly_roots[my_ro_cfg_root] = my_ro_cfg_root_deps.split(",")
+						my_ro_current_instance = my_ro_cfg_root
+						continue
+				break
+			if len(self.readonly_roots) > 0:
+				writemsg("Found readonly portage instance to resolve dependencies:\n",noiselevel=0)
+				for k,v in self.readonly_roots.items():
+					writemsg("%20s %-s\n" % (v,k), noiselevel=0)
 		if mycpv:
diff -ru portage.orig/pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py portage/pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py
--- portage.orig/pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py	2009-03-18 10:13:35.000000000 +0100
+++ portage/pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py	2009-03-20 11:09:49.000000000 +0100
@@ -1270,9 +1270,20 @@
 		self._counter_path = os.path.join(root,
 			CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.path.sep), "counter")
+		plibreg_path = os.path.join(self.root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, PRIVATE_PATH, "preserved_libs_registry")
+		if vartree:
+			self._kill_eprefix = vartree._kill_eprefix
+		else:
+			self._kill_eprefix = False
+		if self._kill_eprefix:
+			self._aux_cache_filename = os.path.join(self.root, self._aux_cache_filename.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
+			self._counter_path = os.path.join(self.root, self._counter_path.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
+			plibreg_path = os.path.join(self.root, plibreg_path.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
-			self.plib_registry = PreservedLibsRegistry(
-				os.path.join(self.root, EPREFIX_LSTRIP, PRIVATE_PATH, "preserved_libs_registry"))
+			self.plib_registry = PreservedLibsRegistry(plibreg_path)
 		except PermissionDenied:
 			# apparently this user isn't allowed to access PRIVATE_PATH
 			self.plib_registry = None
@@ -1285,6 +1296,10 @@
 	def getpath(self, mykey, filename=None):
 		rValue = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mykey)
+		if self._kill_eprefix:
+			rValue = os.path.join(self.root, rValue.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
 		if filename != None:
 			rValue = os.path.join(rValue, filename)
 		return rValue
@@ -1433,6 +1448,9 @@
 		returnme = []
 		basepath = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH) + os.path.sep
+		if self._kill_eprefix:
+			basepath = os.path.join(self.root, basepath.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
 		if use_cache:
 			from portage import listdir
@@ -1522,7 +1540,12 @@
 			return list(self._iter_match(mydep,
 				self.cp_list(mydep.cp, use_cache=use_cache)))
-			curmtime = os.stat(self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycat).st_mtime
+			_tmp_path = self.root+VDB_PATH+"/"+mycat
+			if self._kill_eprefix:
+				_tmp_path = os.path.join(self.root, _tmp_path.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
+			curmtime = os.stat(_tmp_path).st_mtime
 		except (IOError, OSError):
@@ -2063,7 +2086,7 @@
 class vartree(object):
 	"this tree will scan a var/db/pkg database located at root (passed to init)"
 	def __init__(self, root="/", virtual=None, clone=None, categories=None,
-		settings=None):
+		settings=None, kill_eprefix=False):
 		if clone:
 			writemsg("vartree.__init__(): deprecated " + \
 				"use of clone parameter\n", noiselevel=-1)
@@ -2072,6 +2095,7 @@
 			self.populated = 1
 			from portage import config
 			self.settings = config(clone=clone.settings)
+			self._kill_eprefix = clone._kill_eprefix
 			self.root = root[:]
 			if settings is None:
@@ -2079,6 +2103,7 @@
 			self.settings = settings # for key_expand calls
 			if categories is None:
 				categories = settings.categories
+			self._kill_eprefix=kill_eprefix
 			self.dbapi = vardbapi(self.root, categories=categories,
 				settings=settings, vartree=self)
 			self.populated = 1
@@ -2110,6 +2135,10 @@
 		except Exception, e:
 			mydir = os.path.join(self.root, VDB_PATH, mycpv)
+			if self._kill_eprefix:
+				mydir = os.path.join(self.root, mydir.lstrip(EPREFIX.rstrip('/')))
 			writemsg("\nParse Error reading PROVIDE and USE in '%s'\n" % mydir,
 			if mylines:

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