Robin H. Johnson wrote:
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 12:09:21AM +0300, Amit Dor-Shifer wrote:
Hi all. Some questions rgd layman:

  1. Seems like layman is hard-wired to contain the layman-global.txt
     list of overlays. What's the reasoning behind this? My issue
     w/this is that, lately, when was unreachable, this
     hard-wiring presented considerable hangs on fetch attempts.
It's definitely NOT hardcoded.
# grep /etc/layman/layman.cfg overlays :

amit0 ~ # grep -A 10 self.defaults\ = /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/layman/
       self.defaults = {'config'    : '/etc/layman/layman.cfg',
                        'storage'   : '/usr/portage/local/layman',
                        'cache'     : '%(storage)s/cache',
                        'local_list': '%(storage)s/overlays.xml',
                        'make_conf' : '%(storage)s/make.conf',
                        'nocheck'   : 'yes',
                        'proxy'     : '',
                        'umask'     : '0022',
                        'overlays'  :
* ''*

When I invoke the following, I see http interaction w/

layman -c /dev/null -N -f -a oversi -o file:///tmp/layman-oversi.xml

which AFAIK doesn't read /etc/layman/layman.cfg.

http interaction indicated by running 'tshark host' while executing the above.


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