Could a number of folks familiar with both portage AND bash completion help out the shell-tools herd (no specific maintainer specified in metadata) with app-shell/gentoo-bashcomp bugs?
It seems to have accumulated quite a number (13) of portage-completion (and gentoolkit-completion) related bugs, including bug #424777 filed on July 4th by jer, mentioning that it it breaks with make.conf in /etc/ portage, which is kinda critical right about now. =:^( And here's the list of all open bugs for it. As you can see if you look, all or nearly all of the currently 13 open bugs are portage or gentoolkit related, and it really looks like the package could use some help from those who know those tools. (I said on the devlist thread I'd report bugs, but this one's been open for over two months and is directly related to the make.conf move, so it's a big one, simple fix proposed, but no actual fixes in-tree yet, plus seeing all those others related to portage and gentoolkit, thus the request here.) -- Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs. "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman