On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 15:42:48 -0800
Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> So, a suggested workflow is:

I like this workflow the most; however, feedback on it appears to be
missing and the document incorporation seems to outright ignore it.

Can we please (re)consider and discuss this?

> 1) check a bug, 
>     a) if you can reproduce, then mark it as CONFIRMED

Filtering by CONFIRMED bugs if you want to start on a fix right away is
very handy to do.

>     b) not enough info, can't reproduce,... mark or comment it
>        accordingly.

Definitely, bugs lingering on in UNCONFIRMED for too long is a bad idea;
otherwise they would collect over time, not processing bugs in a timely
fashion is something we'd like to avoid as to not upset users.

> 2) start working on a solution,
>    a) if you have significant progress, but need more time, mark it
>       accordingly, assign it to yourself, leave a comment, etc.

Assigning it to oneself is a quite good idea as it allows to easily keep
track of the bugs you are working on, otherwise you have to rely on
techniques that aren't optimal; which are unfortunate.

In the lists of all bugs, that can be obtained by checking out the
product and/or categories; this gives a quite clear overview of who is
working on what, as well as which bugs are still free. As this is still
able to be done, there seems no need to assign the bug to Portage team.

Leaving a comment is something I'll try to do from now on too.

>    b) If you have a patch but need
>       it tested before committing, upload it there with the request.

I suppose URL or attachment suffices, this sounds good.

>    c) Optionally mark it as IN_PRROGRESS for a & b above when 
>       appropriate.

This should be more clear cut; if we want this to be effective, it
should be like before which has clear value on the blockers that we
use. As it gives a quick overview of what is in master and what is not.

> 3) commit the fix.  Mark it as InVCS, if not already, set status to

InVCS becomes redundant; other than that, good.

> 4) make a release with the patch/fix. Mark the bug RESOLVED, FIXED.

Sounds good.

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

E-mail address  : tom...@gentoo.org
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