On Fri, 8 Apr 2016 00:29:40 -0700
Zac Medico <zmed...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 04/07/2016 11:51 PM, Brian Dolbec wrote:
> > the above looks good, but what about:
> > 
> > 
> > [19:01] <dwfreed|phone> just use --first-parent
> > [19:01] <dwfreed|phone> also take into account merge commits
> > [19:03] <dwfreed|phone> git really complicates ChangeLog generation
> > in general [19:03] <dwfreed|phone> because your ChangeLog should
> > reflect when these commits became part of master, but you still
> > need to perserve their messages [19:04] * zmedico is skeptical
> > about the linearizability of the timestamps [19:04] <dwfreed|phone>
> > if you don't look at merge commits for your timestamps of changes,
> > correct, it is not linear [19:05] <dwfreed|phone> but if you take a
> > set of commits and determine when they became part of master, it is
> > linear [19:05] <dol-sen> so: git log --first-parent --format=%ct
> > -1 . [19:05] <dol-sen> to get the last timestamp of changes to htat
> > pkg [19:06] <dol-sen> then use that timestamp [19:06] <dol-sen>
> > lmod = self.grab(['git', self._work_tree, 'log', '--format=%ct',
> > '-1', '.']) [19:06] <dol-sen> that is the current code [19:06]
> > <dwfreed|phone> git log -m --first-parent --format=%ct -1 . [19:06]
> > <dol-sen> so just add the --first-parent option? [19:07]
> > <dwfreed|phone> you want -m toolmod = self.grab(['git',
> > self._work_tree, 'log', '--format=%ct', '-1', '.'])
> > 
> > [19:06] <dwfreed|phone> git log -m --first-parent --format=%ct -1 .
> > [19:06] <dol-sen> so just add the --first-parent option?
> > [19:07] <dwfreed|phone> you want -m too
> > 
> > 
> > Don't we need to add the -m --first-parent  ???
> >   
> I don't know enough about how those options matter for git log
> behavior, but I trust that dwfreed has good reasons to recommend
> them. Maybe we should add them in a separate patch, possibly with
> some explanation about how they are useful in this context.

They really matter when the tree gets crappy/stale merge commits from
pull requests which play with the way the tree is considered.  In this
particular case, it will ignore the branch history and only consider the
merge commit that connects it to master.  Which is when we want to make
the changelog entry, not when the (possibly stale) user commit was made.

Brian Dolbec <dolsen>

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