Prior to this commit, the reported sizes would look like:

 * Final size of build directory: 34942 KiB
 * Final size of installed tree: 5627 KiB

Because the sizes aren't aligned, it is hard to (visually) compare them.
On top of this, because the numbers are sometimes bigger, print a human
friendly size after the KiB size if applicable, like so:

 * Final size of build directory: 1906 KiB (1.8 MiB)
 * Final size of installed tree:     7 KiB

It should be noted that in case both sizes have a human-readable
variant, they are also aligned.
 bin/ | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index dfd8733c8..af45a0d49 100644
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -598,10 +598,51 @@ __dyn_install() {
        # record build & installed size in build log
        if type -P du &>/dev/null; then
-               local sz=( $(du -ks "${WORKDIR}") )
-               einfo "Final size of build directory: ${sz[0]} KiB"
-               sz=( $(du -ks "${D}") )
-               einfo "Final size of installed tree: ${sz[0]} KiB"
+               local nsz=( $(du -ks "${WORKDIR}") )
+               local isz=( $(du -ks "${D}") )
+               # align $1 to the right to the width of the widest of $1 and $2
+               padl() {
+                       local s1=$1
+                       local s2=$2
+                       local width=${#s1}
+                       [[ ${#s2} -gt ${width} ]] && width=${#s2}
+                       printf "%*s" ${width} "${s1}"
+               }
+               # transform number in KiB into MiB, GiB or TiB based on size
+               human() {
+                       local s1=$1
+                       local units=( KiB MiB GiB TiB )
+                       s1=$((s1 * 10))
+                       while [[ ${s1} -gt 10240 && ${#units[@]} -gt 1 ]] ; do
+                               s1=$((s1 / 1024 ))
+                               units=( ${units[@]:1} )
+                       done
+                       local r=${s1: -1}
+                       s1=$((s1 / 10))
+                       printf "%s.%s %s" "${s1}" "${r}" "${units[0]}"
+               }
+               size() {
+                       local s1=$1
+                       local s2=$2
+                       local out="$(padl "${s1}" "${s2}") KiB"
+                       if [[ ${s1} -gt 1024 ]] ; then
+                               s1=$(human ${s1})
+                               if [[ ${s2} -gt 1024 ]] ; then
+                                       s2=$(human ${s2})
+                                       s1=$(padl ${s1} ${s2})
+                               fi
+                               out+=" (${s1})"
+                       fi
+                       echo "${out}"
+               }
+               einfo "Final size of build directory: $(size ${nsz[0]} 
+               einfo "Final size of installed tree:  $(size ${isz[0]} 

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