I use gentoo about 8 year. I already try to write ebuild for my package but I think it's difficult to everyone who do it in the first time.
Because ebuild have strange short name for common portage variable such as {P}, {PV}, {PN} etc. Another developers use these modified variables with name and preffix MY, for example {MY_P}, {MY_PV}. I think it isn't readable because everyone who read and write ebuilds sometime may be foget their means. I propouse to use human readble variable names for portage variables, such as {PATH} instead {P}, {PACKAGE_N}/{PACKAGE_NAME} instead {PN}, etc... Human isn't a computer who knowns evething point of https://devmanual.gentoo.org/ebuild-writing/variables/index.html and other portage internals. I think it's major for everyone gentoo developer because ebuild is face of portage system and main component of gentoo unique feature. Thanks, Boris Vinogradov