
bin/isolated-functions.sh does the following bit:

if [[ -z ${USERLAND} ]] ; then
   case $(uname -s) in
       export USERLAND="BSD"
       export USERLAND="GNU"

(after which it uses USERLAND for a single purpose, to export XARGS to
either GNU '[g]xargs -r', or BSD 'xargs')

This bit is problematic for Prefix, because Prefix may run on *BSD, but
use USERLAND=GNU.  The problem is theoretical at this point,
occasionally people come in and want to use Prefix on *BSD again.

Now I think Gentoo/BSD is theoretical too.  It officially is no longer

So, question here is, do we want to retain this bit of historical
compatibility work (also check things like gsed wrapper), or can it go,
basically removing a potential problem for Gentoo Prefix?

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Gentoo_FreeBSD

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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