Thanks for the write back!  I compiled that as part of the kernel and not
a module, yet nothing is detected at startup and /proc/asound/cards shows
nothing...  how did you get it working?  How can I test to make sure that
it is in the kernel?  or does the fact that were having this convo say
that?  Thanks bunches!!!


> On Sat, May 14, 2005 6:49 pm, Charles Read said:
>> I just installed Gentoo on my PBG4, it is 1000MHz and about a year old.
>> I
>> used genkernel to make my kernel so according to the ALSA Howto on
>> I should have sound support.  I have made sure that my USE
>> variable contains 'alsa' but when I do a 'lspci | grep -i audio' nothing
>> audio related shows up.  Does this mean my soundcard wasnt detected?
> lspci shows nothing on my iBook G4 either, but the option you need is
> SND_POWWERMAC, in Device Drivers->Sound->Alsa->ALSA Powermac devices.
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