The video should not be a big problem.  If you are going to use xorg-7.1, make 
sure to apply the patch to the ati driver.  I could not get xorg.conf set up 
correctly, until Xorgautoconfig gave me a starting point.  

I haven't used ppc64, but many of the developers are doing so.  In fact, I've 
had to add ppc to ebuilds that had ppc64 in the KEYWORDS, but not ppc.  I 
don't know about mixing ppc32 and ppc64 apps, but perhaps a chroot 
environment such as that used in amd64 might be possible. 

On Tuesday 03 October 2006 16:26, darren kirby wrote:
> Hello all,
> Hardware:
> PowerPC G5, dual 2GHz CPUs, 1.5GB RAM
> I am no stranger to installing Gentoo, but I have questions that don't
> appear to be answered in the PPC64 handbook. I am waiting for a new SATA
> drive here, and when it arrives I intend to install Gentoo on it. A few Qs:
> 1. OS X is on the first sata drive, Gentoo will be on the second. Is it
> still necessary to create the 'apple_bootstrap' partition if Gentoo will be
> on its own complete disk?
> 2. If I follow the PPC64 guide does this give me the 64bit userland? If so,
> is there enough (hard) unmasked software to use this as a general desktop
> machine? Is all software in the package database marked stable under PPC64
> 64bit userland software? Can I mix and match PPC32 and PPC64 software? Any
> and all information on this issue would be most helpful, as I don't think I
> completely understand it (I don't have an x86-64 machine so I am mostly
> ignorant of 64bit issues).
> 3. I have the 23 inch Cinema display and a ATI Radeon 9600 Pro vidcard. Are
> there drivers that can make this setup work? I ask because I booted the
> machine with a Kubuntu PPC livecd to play around and while the cli worked,
> when it came time for X to start the screen went black and I was forced to
> do a hard reset. I am not sure if this was just a problem with  Kubuntu, or
> some other reason. I am not too concerned with hardware acceleration or
> anything, at most I just want to be able to watch DVDs.
> Apropos, if any one has the same, or a similar setup I would love if you
> could send me your xorg.conf.
> Again, I am very familiar with Gentoo, but have little knowledge of PPC
> hardware and 64 bit issues...pointers to docs that explain differences and
> ramification on this topic would be great.
> Thanks for consideration.
> -d
> --
> darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
> "...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more
> expected..." - Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

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