Further to the last;

I modified the xorg.conf to include a modeline for 1024x768, and changed the screen display sections to reference it. I believe the server gets a little further now,
but still no soap.

Attached, the new xorg.conf and the error log (as before)



### This file was generated by xac v0.6_pre3

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "XAC Configured"
        Screen          0 "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice     "Mouse0"      "CorePointer"
        InputDevice     "Keyboard0"   "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
        ### Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated
        ### together as well as specifying multiple comma-separated
        ### entries in one FontPath command (or both methods)
        ### For X Font Server support, uncomment this and comment the
        ### other FontPaths. (This is not required for most configurations)
        # FontPath      "unix/:-1"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/corefonts"

Section "Module"
        Load            "extmod"
        Load            "dbe"
        Load            "record"
        Load            "glx"
        Load            "type1"
        Load            "freetype"
        Load            "dri"

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option          "blank time"  "10"  # 10 Minutes
        Option          "standby time"        "20"  # 20 Minutes
        Option          "suspend time"        "30"  # 30Minutes
        Option          "off time"    "60"  # 60Minutes
        ### Uncomment so X doesn't fail when no mouse is available
        # Option                "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "true"
        ### Enable this option if X should not change resolutions
        ### This is useful if mode changing corrupts the X Server
        # Option                "DisableVidModeExtensions"    "true"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Keyboard0"
        Driver          "kbd"
        ### Check /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst for available models
        Option          "XkbdModel"           "pc105"
        ### Check /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ for available layouts
        Option          "XkbLayout"           "us"
        Option          "XkbOptions"          "compose:rwin"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mouse0"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "Device"              "/dev/input/mice"
        Option          "Protocol"            "auto"
        ### Set driver options:
        ### No options set!
        ### Unset driver options:
        ### No options unset!

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Card0"
        Driver          "radeon"
        ### Configured ATI Radeon Yb at PCI Bus ID:
        # BusID         "PCI:0:16:0"
        ### Set driver options:
        Option          "EnablePageFlip"      "true"        # Increases 
Option "MergedFB" "false" # Set to true if you want mirrored monitor output
        ### Unchanged, default driver options:
        # Option                "AccelMethod" "XAA" # XAA or EXA, but EXA is 
        # Option                "AGPMode"     "1"   # Set to the AGP bus speed, 
1 = 1x
        # Option                "AGPFastWrite"        "false"       # Can be 
        # Option                "BackingStore"        "false"       # Currently 
# Option "BIOSHotkeys" "false" # Enable this to switch outputs with a hotkey
        # Option                "BusType"     "auto"        # Force Video Bus 
# Option "MonitorLayout" "auto" # Set to TMDS for some Apple Flat Panels
        # Option                "NoAccel"     "false"       # Disables ALL 
hardware acceleration
        # Option                "RenderAccel" "true"        # Hardware Render 
        # Option                "ReverseDDC"  "false"       # Some G5s require 
        # Option                "SWcursor"    "false"       
         Option         "UseFBDev"    "false"       # Try enabling this if it 
does not work
        ### See "man radeon" for more information and options

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Monitor0"
        UseModes        "Modes0"
        ModelName       "SDM-N50PS"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       30-60
        VertRefresh     50-65

Section "Modes"
        Identifier      "Modes0"
        ### # 720x400 59.55 Hz (CVT) hsync: 24.83 kHz; pclk: 22.25 MHz
# Modeline "720x400" 22.25 720 744 808 896 400 403 413 417 -hsync +vsync Modeline "1024x768" 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 - hsync -vsync

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Screen0"
        Device          "Card0"
        Monitor         "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    24

        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   24
                Virtual 1024 768
                Modes   "1024x768"


Section "DRI"
        Group 0
        Mode 0666


Error log:
xauth:  creating new authority file /home/david/.serverauth.25907

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 ppc
Current Operating System: Linux dfminigentoo 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 #3 Sat Jul 4 09:52:08 EDT 2009 ppc
Build Date: 09 July 2009  08:25:07AM

        Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
        to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
        (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
        (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Jul 20 08:24:45 2009
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"

(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) Failed to load module "freetype" (module does not exist, 0)
  XRANDR name: DVI-0
  Connector: DVI-I
  DDC reg: 0x6c
  XRANDR name: S-video
  Connector: S-video
  DDC reg: 0x0
finished output detect: 0
finished output detect: 1
finished all detect
before xf86InitialConfiguration
after xf86InitialConfiguration
Entering TV Save
Save TV timing tables
saveTimingTables: reading timing tables
TV Save done
disable primary dac
disable primary dac
disable TV
disable primary dac
init memmap
init common
init crtc1
init pll1
freq: 65000000
best_freq: 65000000
best_feedback_div: 65
best_ref_div: 9
best_post_div: 3
restore memmap
restore common
restore crtc1
restore pll1
finished PLL1
set RMX
set primary dac
enable primary dac
disable TV
SESSION_MANAGER=local/dfminigentoo:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/25934,unix/ dfminigentoo:/tmp/.ICE-unix/25934
1248092687.891995 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.023184 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.117781 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.221803 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.317778 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.419156 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.513810 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.617479 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.713813 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.815359 Session manager: disconnected...
1248092688.911995 Session manager: disconnected...

** (gnome-session:25934): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_add_signal: assertion `DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy)' failed

** (gnome-session:25934): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_connect_signal: assertion `DBUS_IS_G_PROXY (proxy)' failed Window manager warning: Failed to read saved session file /home/ david/.config/metacity/sessions/default0.ms: Failed to open file '/ home/david/.config/metacity/sessions/default0.ms': No such file or directory
Failed to play sound: Sound disabled
20/07/2009 08:24:51 Autoprobing TCP port
20/07/2009 08:24:51 Autoprobing selected port 5900
20/07/2009 08:24:51 Advertising authentication type: 'No Authentication' (1)
20/07/2009 08:24:51 Advertising security type: 'No Authentication' (1)

** (nautilus:26000): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Not supported

(gnome-panel:25991): Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -15 and height 23
The application 'gnome-session' lost its connection to the display :0.0;
most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed
the application.
Window manager warning: Lost connection to the display ':0.0';
most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed
the window manager.
xinit:  connection to X server lost.

waiting for X server to shut down disable primary dac
finished PLL2
finished PLL1
Entering Restore TV
Restore TV PLL
Restore TVHV
Restore TV Restarts
Restore Timing Tables
Restore TV standard
Leaving Restore TV


On Jul 20, 2009, at 8:25 AM, David Friedlander wrote:

Hello, Joe,

The server doesn't start; stderr shows the following (captured with "xterm 2> test.log"
This is regardless of the setting of "UseFBDev"

Following this is the generated xorg.conf. I see a strange "modeline" entry for 720x400 -- could that be the problem? I believe that in the past I've deleted this and even tried to replace
it with a 1024x768 line, but truthfully I can't remember any more.


(I suspect the last 2 lines are generated when I press ctrl-c.)

xauth:  creating new authority file /home/david/.serverauth.25513

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 ppc
Current Operating System: Linux dfminigentoo 2.6.24-gentoo-r3 #3 Sat Jul 4 09:52:08 EDT 2009 ppc
Build Date: 09 July 2009  08:25:07AM

        Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org
        to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
        (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
        (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Mon Jul 20 07:57:28 2009
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"

(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) Failed to load module "freetype" (module does not exist, 0)
 XRANDR name: DVI-0
 Connector: DVI-I
 DDC reg: 0x6c
 XRANDR name: S-video
 Connector: S-video
 DDC reg: 0x0
finished output detect: 0
finished output detect: 1
finished all detect
before xf86InitialConfiguration
(EE) RADEON(0): Output DVI-0 enabled but has no modes
(EE) RADEON(0): No valid modes.
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
no screens found
giving up.
xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  unexpected signal 2.

Here's the xorg.conf
### This file was generated by xac v0.6_pre3

Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier      "XAC Configured"
        Screen          0 "Screen0" 0 0
        InputDevice     "Mouse0"      "CorePointer"
        InputDevice     "Keyboard0"   "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"
        ### Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated
        ### together as well as specifying multiple comma-separated
        ### entries in one FontPath command (or both methods)
        ### For X Font Server support, uncomment this and comment the
        ### other FontPaths. (This is not required for most configurations)
        # FontPath      "unix/:-1"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript"
        FontPath        "/usr/share/fonts/corefonts"

Section "Module"
        Load            "extmod"
        Load            "dbe"
        Load            "record"
        Load            "glx"
        Load            "type1"
        Load            "freetype"
        Load            "dri"

Section "ServerFlags"
        Option          "blank time"  "10"  # 10 Minutes
        Option          "standby time"        "20"  # 20 Minutes
        Option          "suspend time"        "30"  # 30Minutes
        Option          "off time"    "60"  # 60Minutes
        ### Uncomment so X doesn't fail when no mouse is available
        # Option                "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "true"
        ### Enable this option if X should not change resolutions
        ### This is useful if mode changing corrupts the X Server
        # Option                "DisableVidModeExtensions"    "true"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Keyboard0"
        Driver          "kbd"
        ### Check /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst for available models
        Option          "XkbdModel"           "pc105"
        ### Check /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ for available layouts
        Option          "XkbLayout"           "us"
        Option          "XkbOptions"          "compose:rwin"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mouse0"
        Driver          "mouse"
        Option          "Device"              "/dev/input/mice"
        Option          "Protocol"            "auto"
        ### Set driver options:
        ### No options set!
        ### Unset driver options:
        ### No options unset!

Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Card0"
        Driver          "radeon"
        ### Configured ATI Radeon Yb at PCI Bus ID:
        # BusID         "PCI:0:16:0"
        ### Set driver options:
        Option          "EnablePageFlip"      "true"        # Increases 
Option "MergedFB" "false" # Set to true if you want mirrored monitor output
        ### Unchanged, default driver options:
        # Option                "AccelMethod" "XAA" # XAA or EXA, but EXA is 
        # Option                "AGPMode"     "1"   # Set to the AGP bus speed, 
1 = 1x
        # Option                "AGPFastWrite"        "false"       # Can be 
        # Option                "BackingStore"        "false"       # Currently 
# Option "BIOSHotkeys" "false" # Enable this to switch outputs with a hotkey
        # Option                "BusType"     "auto"        # Force Video Bus 
# Option "MonitorLayout" "auto" # Set to TMDS for some Apple Flat Panels
        # Option                "NoAccel"     "false"       # Disables ALL 
hardware acceleration
        # Option                "RenderAccel" "true"        # Hardware Render 
        # Option                "ReverseDDC"  "false"       # Some G5s require 
        # Option                "SWcursor"    "false"       
         Option         "UseFBDev"    "false"       # Try enabling this if it 
does not work
        ### See "man radeon" for more information and options

Section "Monitor"
        Identifier      "Monitor0"
        UseModes        "Modes0"
        ModelName       "SDM-N50PS"
        Option          "DPMS"
        HorizSync       30-60
        VertRefresh     50-65

Section "Modes"
        Identifier      "Modes0"
        ### # 720x400 59.55 Hz (CVT) hsync: 24.83 kHz; pclk: 22.25 MHz
Modeline "720x400" 22.25 720 744 808 896 400 403 413 417 -hsync +vsync

Section "Screen"
        Identifier      "Screen0"
        Device          "Card0"
        Monitor         "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    24

        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   8
                Virtual 640 400
                Modes   "640x400" "720x400" "640x480" "640x480"

        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   16
                Virtual 640 400
                Modes   "640x400" "720x400" "640x480" "640x480"

        SubSection "Display"
                Depth   24
                Virtual 640 400
                Modes   "640x400" "720x400" "640x480" "640x480"


Section "DRI"
        Group 0
        Mode 0666

On Jul 20, 2009, at 6:15 AM, Joseph Jezak wrote:

David Friedlander wrote:
Hello, Joe and JR:

Thank to both of you for your help; it took me until now to find the
time to once again find time to
fiddle with this problem.

The symptom is that the monitor gives a message that there's no signal
and goes away.  Terminating X
with some combination :-) of shift keys and the delete key brings back
a text terminal.  A very lengthy log
file gets generated, but to the best of my ability I can not find any
indication of an error in it.

Checked the FAQ, but I'm not clear how to "set the correct framebuffer
device" -- or what that might mean.

Probably my blindness, if you can direct me I'll be grateful.

Here's the output from xac:
dfminigentoo ~ # xac --dump
Machine Name: PowerMac10,1
Video Cards Found:
* ATI Radeon Yb - (0:16:0)
  Detected as: ATI Radeon Open Driver

Framebuffer Info:
  Accel ID: 38
  Name String: ATI Radeon Yb
  Depth PP: 8

  ID:  SNY5011
  SN:  16843009
  DT:  [31, 2000]
  EV:  (1, 2)
  VI:  {'serration_vsync': 0, 'blank_to_black': 0, 'sync_on_green':
1, 'composite_sync': 1, 'video_level': 0, 'seperate_sync': 1,
'digital': 0}
  SZ:  (33, 24)
  GA:  2.2
  FS:  {'suspend': 1, 'gtf': 1, 'standby': 1, 'prefered_timing': 1,
'rgb': 0, 'display_type': 1, 'active_off': 1}
  CC:  {'red_y': 0.33984375, 'red_x': 0.625, 'blue_y': 0.0703125,
'blue_x': 0.1552734375, 'white_y': 0.2978515625, 'white_x':
0.283203125, 'green_y': 0.599609375, 'green_x': 0.2802734375}
  ET:  [[720, 400, 70], [640, 480, 75], [640, 480, 67]]
  MD:  [['Detailed Timing', {'stereo': 0, 'vborder': 0,
'vimage_size': 234, 'hsync_offset': 16, 'horizontal_active': 640,
'horizontal_blanking': 160, 'vsync_pulse_width': 2, 'interlaced': 0,
'pixel_clock': 54793, 'hborder': 0, 'vertical_blanking': 49,
'digital_composite': 3, 'vertical_active': 400, 'vsync_offset': 12,
'variant': 2, 'himage_size': 312, 'hsync_pulse_width': 96}], ['Range',
{'v_max': 65, 'h_min': 30, 'h_max': 60, 'v_min': 50}], ['Name',
'SDM-N50PS'], ['Serial', '0140495']]
  HE:  0
Okay, this looks good. You are using the correct framebuffer driver (the ATI Radeon driver and not the OpenFirmware FB driver, which won't work for X) and it appears that your monitor is correctly responding with an EDID for autodetection. Can you try generating an X config file with xac and give that a try? If it doesn't work out of the box, try uncommenting
the "UseFBDev" option and try both "true" and "false", sometimes the
correct value is not autodetected by X.


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