On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 14:31, Brett I.Holcomb wrote:
> Sorry, first reply went to poster, not the list.
> Also note that Sylpheed and Claws is NOT threaded.  In other words if you use 
> it for 
> news also everything in Sylpheed stops while it checks for news.  This is a 
> pain when composing.

Ah Ha, that would explain the perceived poor performance.  My IMAP
server is only a little P200 and it sin't quite fast enough when I've
got folders with a couple of thousand messages in them, so the lack of
threading in Sylpheed is probably compounding the issue.

I have also experienced the "everything stopping" whilst Sylpheed checks
for new mail/news.

        Troy Dack
        http://linux.tkdack.com         http://webportage.sf.net

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