I reported this as a bug as I thought I had it nailed.  Things were fine
then it just popped up again.<sigh>  So I'm also wondering if there is a
way to unlist a bug/cancell it?  

Anyways my problem is if I log in as user at some point it wont let me
do su in xterm or eterm.  If I go to virtual console 2 and try to log in
as root same issue.  Either way it hangs there then gives a time out
error if I leave it.  When I've not started X no problem it seems fine
enough in console.  But if I've used X as a user it even doesn't wish to
shut down properly.(ctl alt del 2-3 times will do it though).

As far as I can tell my group file is fine, same with my passwd file. 
I've tried deleting .Xautority and that temp does it if I also destroy
my .xinitrc(which launches gkrellm, gkrellm2, xchat, phoenix, and

My system info:

BlackBox (and I've installed bbrun and bbconf/bbkeys)
Athlon 1GHz T-Bird
256M DDR
AOpen nic (8129 I think it is)
Sound Blaster Esonque PCI
Pioneer 16x DVD (Secondary Master)
Yamaha crw3200E (Secondary Slave)
Seagate 20G (Primary Master - holds win98 now... I had 2kpro but it bsod
unrecoverably few days ago)
Seagate 40G (Primary Slave - holding gentoo of course)
panasonic black 3.5" floppy
Enermax 300W psu
20" black "hydraulic" tower
logitech optical mouse
logitech navigator keyboard
Acer G772 17" CRT
Creative VideoBlaster Webcam Plus
2 Generic Speakers

some software that is installed:

ntpd, eterm, xfce, kdegames, kdeutils, kunit, gnomepim, xine,
realplayer8, mp3blaster, gqmpeg, xchat, bitchx, trillian(wine), fprot,
gaim, phoenix, opera, links, lynx, sylpheed, pine, fetchyahoo, ncftp,
gftp, tightvnc, camE, logjam, gnomemeeting, kdessh, gtop, gkrellm, xpdf,
UFed, mpg123, oggvorbis, Endeavour2, Midnight commander, Simple CDRx,
xv, gimp, aumix, nano, abuse, kobo delux, teg, falcons eye, egoboo,
lincity, fortune, xpenguins, xgalaga, pysol, frozen bubble, lbreakout2,
seti, gkrellmkam, gkrellm weather, gkrellm shoot, gekrellm seti 7,
gkrellm who, gkrellm moon clock, gkrellm sunclock, gkrellm itime,
gkrellm reminder, lm_sensors, and xbill.

I've been running gentoo since about the 9th or 10th.  Before that I had
been on mandrake (since ver 6.5) but I still consider myself a newbie as
I'm still learning the in's and outs of many things(read mostly console
stuff).  Life has been hectic or I'd of figured out more sooner.(my
daughter who was 12 died this past august from brain cancer after
fighting it hard for 4yrs... my other surviving child is special needs
and just turned 11 himself)  Anyways be patient with me if I seem
clueless and hopefully my questions don't come off too dub(eh I had been
using mandrake j/k).

Any idea what would be causing this issue in my system?  I'd not
rebooted for awhile... well other than to find win2kpro was toast after
upgrading itouch drivers in it(I suppose I should of known better as
itouch got weird in it's prior versions upgrade.  I just wasn't
expecting windows to react so strongly to it).  But by then I had found
I was having issues in nix.  Windows is fixed now however in linux
thease issues probably showed up not long after I did an emerge update. 
The last few files it's gotten over the past week were gentoolkit,
kdeutils, and some image library file update I believe.  Is there some
log file that stores what has been reciently emerged?

I did also try reinstalling pam, pam-login, ORBit, and ORBit2.  I also
tried re emerging multi gnome terminal which also seemed a possible
culprit.  Considering it's doing things yet still I can now guess it's
not that as I figuring it was the problem unmerged it.

Thanks in advance. :)

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