Well, if it's a system you installed Gentoo on it will be in/lib/modules/version IF you built it as a module. Did you build it n the kernel as a module or builtin? Check with make menuconfig.

If you're setting up a new system go to the /lib/modules/version/kernel/drivers/scsi and see if it's there.

On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 12:39:13 +0100
"Michael Götting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi list,

I have a problem installing my advansys SCSI drives.

modprobe advansys -- OK there are no problems
But if I try to execute
modprobe sd_mod
I got the folowing errror message:

Can't locate module sd_mod

What does this mean? It is not on the live cd or have I to install more modules ??
And where can I find the modules.

Thanks !!


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