/var/tmp/portage can be removed safely as it is the place where the packages are 
unpacked and compiled before installation. After the emerging has been completed the 
folder can be safely removed. On the next emerging the necessary folders and files 
will be automatically created again.

On Sat, 1 Feb 2003 12:32:22 +0000 (WET)
Jorge Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Nick Jones wrote:
> > > I have gentoo installed in a 6G partition. After upgrading kde to 3.1 I 
> > > ran into problems apparently related to lack of disk space: an open emacs 
> > > file could not be saved, cannot login from gdm, ...
> > > df -h gives 5.7G used and 0 available. The weird thing is that I booted 
> > > from a redhat partition and mounted the gentoo partition; now df -h 
> > > /mnt/gentoo  gives the 
> > > same output but konqueror says that the size of /mnt/gentoo is 3.5G (which 
> > > is more like what I would expect).
> > 
> > > In case some good soul can make sense of it, these are my questions:
> > > 1) Is the discrepancy between df and konqueror (properties, ...) 
> > > explainable?
> > 
> > If I had to guess, I'd say that You're using ext2, ext3, or reiser
> > (without tail packing)... du reports BLOCKS not bytes. If 'df' says
> > it is full, then it is full. Although I'm not sure how you have 2 gigs
> > in consumed blocks on a Gentoo Box.
> > 
> > > 2) Assuming the gentoo partition is really full, is this normal and is 
> > > there any temporary stuff I should get rid of after emerging kde? 
> > 
> > rm -Rf /var/tmp/portage
> > rm -Rf /usr/portage/distfiles/* /usr/portage/packages/*
> > Should free you up some space... Although it may or may not be much.
> > Distfiles and packages may be things you don't wanna rm. Your choice.
> > 
> > --NJ
> > 
> I'm using ext3, but I always used the human-readable -h option with df and 
> du, so that is not the problem. This is what du tells me:
> du -h -c /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp/portage/
> (...)
> 28K     /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp/portage/krusader-1.11/temp
> 32K     /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp/portage/krusader-1.11
> 1.6G    /mnt/gentoo/var/tmp/portage
> 1.6G    total
> Can this be true, or is there something wrong with the filesystem (or with 
> me)?
> And can I remove /var/tmp/portage/* safely?
> Thanks for any enlightement...
> -- 
> Jorge Almeida
> --
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