Problem #1:

I just did a fresh install of KDE 3.1 to my newly reconfigured midtower(switched to 
Raid 0). Before I switched I had a problem when I read certain posts on the Gentoo 
User list that had PGP signatures in them, A little dialog box would pop-up and say I 
don't have PGP installed so I left it and reinstalled my computer. Now my newly 
installed KDE 3.1 is still doing it, I followed in detail the bugzilla 
report( to fix this. I even inserted this 
suggested script into my /etc/x11/Sessions/kde-3.1 KDE startup script:

if [ -x /usr/bin/gpg-agent ]; then
  if [ -f ${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info ]; then
    OLD_GPG_AGENT=`cat ${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info`
    CHECK_PID=`echo ${OLD_GPG_AGENT}|cut -d ":" -f 2`
    PROG=`ps -p ${CHECK_PID} |tail -1| sed -e "s,^[^ ]* *[^ ]* *[^ ]* *,,"`
    if [ "${PROG}x" != "gpg-agentx" ]; then
      rm ${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info
  if [ ! -f ${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info ]; then
    eval "`gpg-agent --daemon`"
    echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO >${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info

I still get the OpenPGP not found errors. I even generated myself a pair of keys and 
configured them into KMail hoping that would help, no luck. As a last resort I told 
KMail not to use any encryption tools but I still get the error. I didn't have to do 
squat to Sylpheed-Claws, it just opens up these emails with no problems.

Problem #2:

One of the things I've grown accustomed to is leaving my email on the server and then 
having my email client delete email on the server after X amount of days. I saw that 
KMail had a POP Filter that would do this for me so I configured it to delete any 
Emails off the Email server if they were more than 1 day old(my server currently had 
Emails on it about 3 days old), activated it, did a send/receive, and it received but 
did not delete the 2+ day old Email's. I then clicked on "Apply Filters", nothing 
happened. I went back to my Sylpheed-Claws client and ran the same test, it had no 
problems doing it.


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