I'm trying to emerge hylafax onto a system that I am planning on setting up
as a headless fax server.  My problem is that even if I set USE="-X" it
still wants to emerge X, GTK+, etc.  I have traced the problem to
ghostscript and have looked at the ebuild file.  The IUSE variable is set to
IUSE="X cups gnome cjk".  Does the IUSE variable supersede the USE variable?
I've looked and can't find much documentation on it.  This is 1.4_rc2 BTW.
I have also looked at the ghostscript and hylafax websites and cant find
anything that says you have to have X to run this.  TIA

#     .--.          C. David Wilde                      #
#    |o_o |         Spectrum Consulting Group           #
#    |:_/ |         [EMAIL PROTECTED]          #
#   //   \ \        949.790.9684      949.490.9944      #
# (|     | )                                            #
# /'\_   _/`\ A computer without windows is like a dog  #
# \___)=(___/    without a brick tied to it's head      #

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