On Tuesday 04 February 2003 23:10, James H. Cloos Jr. wrote:
> I need to seed my mirror of rsync://rsync3.us.gentoo.org/gentoo/distfiles
> via CDR or DVD-R.  Can anyone help?
> It looks like three DVD-R and a CDR should be enough to hold the data
> (about 14 GB based on rsync -avn).
> I'll cover the media and (usps) postage.  And can pass them on to
> someone else in need once I copy them to disk.

There are many duplicates in the distfiles dir (different versions of the same 
package). The easiest way to make a good mirror is to first make a portage 
tree. Fix that and make a tarball from it. 

use this script to make a nice list of all packages

cd /usr/portage
find -name "*.ebuild" |cut -d "/" -f 2,3 |sort |uniq >~/packages

Make sure your distfiles dir is empty. And for each item in this list do an
emerge -f -e <item>

Be aware that certain packages such as the sun-jdk need a manual download to 
work. If you are planning on compiling openoffice also remember to include 


Paul de Vrieze
Homepage: http://www.cs.kun.nl/~pauldv

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