On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 08:25:47PM +0000, Richard Revis wrote:
> Alan wrote:
> > Sounds almost like you have dhcp set up and that file is being recreated
> > by the dhcp client every time (wild guess).  Maybe just do a sanity
> > check in your /etc/init.d/net.eth* files to ensure that dhcp is not
> > enabled somehow.
> That was my thought as well, but the overwriting entries are from the
> old IP range and the only dhcp server on the network is on the new IP
> range. I wrote a quick rc script which just copies the correct
> resolv.conf back after the network comes up, so it's all working, but
> it is curious none the less.

Is dhcpcd running right now?
Tyler Trafford

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