It was said that gnome2.2 was unmasked but not all. Isolated packages
could be ok, but lignomeui is strange. A portage problem?
I try "emerge libgnomeui" and others and nothing work.

Someone have any idea why this?
root@miral:/usr/portage » emerge =libgnomeui- -bp

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies   
!!! all ebuilds that could satisfy "=libgnomeui-" have been

!!! Error calculating dependancies. Please correct.
root@miral:/usr/portage » grep x86
# $Header:
/home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/gnome-base/libgnomeui/libgnomeui-,v 1.3 
2003/02/09 15:25:10 foser Exp $
KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc ~alpha"

And there is nothing in package.mask too.

BTW, gnome-2.2 requires xfree-4.2.99? I try to force it out because it
is too slow (gdm, kdm and others should a lot of additional speed to be
considered slow) but was able just deleting the ebuild. There is not a
better way of doing this? I try world, virtual, package-mask, nothing


Alcino Dall'Igna Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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