Hello List,

I've got the following packages installed:

*  dev-php/mod_php
      Latest version available: 4.3.0-r2
      Latest version installed: 4.3.0-r2
      Size of downloaded files: 3,594 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.php.net/
      Description: Apache module for PHP

*  dev-php/php
      Latest version available: 4.3.0-r3
      Latest version installed: 4.3.0-r3
      Size of downloaded files: 3,594 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.php.net/
      Description: PHP Shell Interpreter

*  net-www/apache
      Latest version available: 1.3.27-r1
      Latest version installed: 1.3.27-r1
      Size of downloaded files: 2,994 kB
      Homepage:    http://www.apache.org http://www.modssl.org
      Description: The Apache Web Server

I've added the following line to commonapache.conf:

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

And this line to apache.conf:

LoadModule php4_module        extramodules/libphp4.so

I expected this would be enough to run PHP on the web server, but it doesn't seem to 
be working.  This is what I see in my err-r_log:

[Wed Feb 12 13:08:31 2003] [notice] Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)  (Gentoo/Linux) 
mod_ssl/2.8.12 OpenSSL/0.9.6g configured -- resuming normal operations

I thought that should mention PHP as well.  Also, loading PHP pages from the server 
doesn't work.  Any ideas?



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