On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 03:38:39PM -0600, john wrote:
> Because of that bounce.. I wondered if my question got bounced and 
> didn't make it to the list.
> My question is:
> I have gentoo 1.4_rc1 installed and now I would like to figure out what 
> the entries would be for 1 ide cdrom (scsi emulation)2 scsi plextor 
> cdroms, 1 is a cdrw.
> If this is documented someplace could you point that out to me! Thanks 
> for the help

Hi John.

The entries in /etc/fstab would be something like:

/dev/scda   /mnt/cdrom     iso9660     noauto,ro,user    0 0
/dev/hdc    /mnt/cdrom1    iso9660     noauto,ro,user    0 0

The first defines the first scsi cdrom, the second an ide cdrom set up
as the secondary master.  Another way to define the cdroms would be like

/dev/cdroms/cdrom0   /mnt/cdrom     iso9660     noauto,ro,user    0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom1   /mnt/cdrom1    iso9660     noauto,ro,user    0 0

Which uses the devices via devfs, which gentoo uses by default.  I have
both my ide CDroms set up with scsi emulation, and the latter is what I
use and it works just fine.  The type of features of the CDroms doesn't
matter, the only thing that really matters is the type (ide/scsi) of
cdrom so that you can set the device location.


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"The only thing that experience teaches us is that experience teaches 
us nothing.             -- Andre Maurois (Emile Herzog)

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