On Thursday 13 February 2003 00:17, Doug Gorley wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 23:25, Matthew Tedder wrote:
> > I have downloaded and attempted stage5 downloaded from ibiblio and one
> > other mirror--only to find that one of them doens't provide /bin/sh,
> > clear, and other commands.... and the other did include those but lacked
> > the "make" command.  So I used the stage1, which was included on the ISO
> > download and it eventually lacked soem critical parts..
> I'd never heard of it before, but I thought I'd look on the off chance
> that there'd been some cataclysmic change in the way Gentoo is
> distributed.  Where exactly did you find a stage5 file?

These two sources:



> I've used the athlon-xp stage3 file, as well as the x86 stage1 file.
> They both work just fine.
> > I have spend NUMEROUS hours over the last few weeks--including about six
> > hours today only to be disappointed.
> Did you follow the installation instructions on the Gentoo site?  They
> really work quite well.  And, if you get stuck on the installation
> process, you can post a question here.  This list is amazingly good at
> helping people with specific problems.  With vague, inflammatory
> complaints... not so good.

This is pretty specific..  Bash not included, make, not included...  What's 
up?  And why does the ISO not include anything but stage1 and no GRP package 
as specified in the instructions?  The instructions were great and worked 
well for the RC1 version, except that Grub was not working for ReiserFS and 
the kernel kept rebooting..  

> > And why on earth is this being called a Release Candidate (or does RC2
> > mean something else?).
> This is indeed Release Candidate 2.  That means it's the second
> candidate to be the final release of Gentoo 1.4.

With problems as brazen as this not having been worked out--it should be 
considered alpha.  Perhaps these are just QC issues and somewhere someone 
actually does have properly build stage1, 2, and 3 packages for i586.

> > Please don't make switch to Lycoris for the product we're working on
> > here..
> >
> > Is there some ISO image that already has more than the stage1--at least
> > the GRP stuff mentioned in the installation instructions?  I was
> > surprised to find stage packages with DIFFERENT contents in the tbz2
> > files with the SAME names.
> That would be all the ISOs, I think.  Really, what ISO did you
> download?  Grab the one for your architecture, it should have a stage1,
> stage2 and stage3 tarball on the CD.  Or grab any CD, and wget the
> tarball at install time.  Very simple.

I grabbed it twice...  My architecture is the VIA Eden ESP, so I grabbed it 
for i586.  I first considered raw x86 earlier but there was nothing but 
stage1 available.  

The ISO only contains a stage1 package, so I downloaded the stage3.

> > This seems VERY unorganized..
> I found Gentoo to be exceptionally well organized - the documentation
> was easy to find, the system tools (portage, rc scripts, etc.) all work
> very well, and the mailing list does a great job of filling in the
> blanks.  Exactly what more is it you're looking for?

Originally, I was impressed by the documentation and portage--but I have yet 
to see a working installation.  I cannot even compile the kernel without 
these basic tools missing the packages..

Matthew C. Tedder
SimpFlex Technologies, inc.

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