I have Gentoo 1.4 and KDE 3.1 installed. I have supermount compilied into my 
CK3-sources kernel. I have an external 80GB Firewire Drive and a 32MB USB Pen Drive, 
my problem isn't so much that I can't mount them but how they are ordered in /dev 
since they are both seen as SCSI devices. To fruther explain my problem here is my 

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/fstab,v 1.10 2002/11/18 19:39:22 
azarah Exp $
# noatime turns of atimes for increased performance (atimes normally aren't
# needed; notail increases performance of ReiserFS (at the expense of storage
# efficiency).  It's safe to drop the noatime options if you want and to
# switch between notail and tail freely.

# <fs>                  <mountpoint>    <type>          <opts>                  

# NOTE: If your BOOT partition is ReiserFS, add the notail option to opts.
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part3                /boot           ext3            noauto,noatime 
         1 1
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part6                /               ext3            noatime        
         0 0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part5                none            swap            sw             
         0 0
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660  user,ro,mode=444,noauto  0  0
proc                    /proc           proc            defaults                0 0

# glibc 2.2 and above expects tmpfs to be mounted at /dev/shm for
# POSIX shared memory (shm_open, shm_unlink). Adding the following
# line to /etc/fstab should take care of this:
# (tmpfs is a dynamically expandable/shrinkable ramdisk, and will use almost no
#  memory if not populated with files)

tmpfs                   /dev/shm        tmpfs           defaults                0 0

/dev/ataraid/disc0/part1  /win-c  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/ataraid/disc0/part2  /win-d  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
#/dev/sda1  /mnt/fw1  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda2  /mnt/fw2  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda3  /mnt/fw3  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
#/dev/sda4  /mnt/fw4  vfat  user,0,umask=707,gid=0,noauto  0  0
/dev/ide/host0/bus1/target1/lun0/part1  /mp3  vfat  umask=707,gid=0  0  0
/dev/sdb1       /mnt/fw1        supermount      
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb1,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0      0  0
/dev/sdb2       /mnt/fw2        supermount      
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb2,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0      0  0
/dev/sdb3       /mnt/fw3        supermount      
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb3,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0      0  0
/dev/sdb4       /mnt/fw4        supermount      
rw,fs=vfat,dev=/dev/sdb4,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0      0  0
/dev/sda1       /mnt/usb        supermount      
rw,fs=msdos,dev=/dev/sda1,--,user,0,umask=707,gid=0     0  0

 If I mount only the Firewire Drive or only the USB Pen Drive then I have no problems 
but when I use them together that' s when things get sticky. The problem involves the 
last 5 lines of my /etc/fstab. You'll see that 4 of the lines have sdb1 mounting to 
fw1(4 partitions in the firewire drive-fw1, fw2,..etc), sdb2 mounting to fw2,...etc. 
The last line is the USB drive sda1 mounting to /mnt/usb. If I mount the firewire 
drive first then it goes to sda NOT sdb, I wondered how to fix this and a 30 minute 
search thru the forums I saw that you could create dev entries for devices in 
/etc/devfsd.conf. So I modified mine and here is the relevant section of my modified 
/etc/devfsd.conf file: 

#Create sdb1 for 1st Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP      ^sdb1     CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 
REGISTER    ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb1

#Create sdb2 for 2nd Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP      ^sdb2     CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 
REGISTER    ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb2

#Create sdb3 for 3rd Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP      ^sdb3     CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 
REGISTER    ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part3 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb3

#Create sdb4 for 4th Partition Firewire Drive
LOOKUP      ^sdb4     CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 
REGISTER    ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host2/bus0/target0/lun0/part4 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sdb4

#Create sda1 for USB Pen Drive
LOOKUP      ^sda1     CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 
REGISTER    ^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname 
UNREGISTER  ^scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 CFUNCTION GLOBAL unlink sda1

# Support additional config installed by packages ...
INCLUDE /etc/devfs.d

# devfsd.conf ends here 

 I did make sure that the scsi entries were correct before I modified devfsd.conf. I 
then rebooted and checked /dev before mounting anything, sure enough sda1, sdb1, sdb2, 
sdb3, and sdb4 were there. I then mounted my firewire drive again but to my dismay it 
mounted it on sda1, sda2,...etc instead of sdb1, sdb2,....etc. I really don't know 
where to goto from here I thought the changes I mand in /etc/devfsd.conf would fix it, 
is there something wrong with my entries? Am I making this to hard on myself? Is there 
another way to get specific devices assigned to specific entries in /dev?


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