On Monday 17 February 2003 05:22 am, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> On Monday 17 February 2003 09:11, Robert Arroyo i Andreu wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am trying to configure alsa. I have a intel8x0.
> > I have followed the tutorial in
> > http://www.gentoo.org/doc/es/alsa-guide.xml point per point. And all
> > seems ok. I paste some of my configuration :
> <cut>
> > The only strange thing i can see is that every time i start kde, i have
> > to chown o+rw /dev/sound/*
> Check /etc/devfs.conf (man devfsd.conf)

In /etc/devfsd.conf

REGISTER   sound/.*   PERMISSIONS   root.audio  666
REGISTER   snd/.*       PERMISSIONS   root.audio  666

And add group audio to your user.  Reboot or restart devfsd.

> > But with all this, i can't use sound. Aplay doesn't sound, xmms doesn't
> > sound...
> >
> > Any idea?
> Yes, unmute your sound channels, by default alsa starts all sound muted and
> on zero. You'll need to unmute things to actually hear anything

I found that kde 3.1 comes up with at least the PCM mixer setting (required 
for system sounds) muted.  Invoke Kmix and set CD to max, and volume and PCM 
to the desired audio levels.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2 kde 3.1

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