At 08:33 on 02/17/03, Collins scribbled:
> On Monday 17 February 2003 06:20 am, Voicu Liviu wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > On Monday 17 February 2003 15:22, Collins wrote:
> > > When stopping vim in an su - xterm/aterm session, I always get:
> > >
> > > Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> > > Xlib: No protocol specified
> > >
> Thanks, but that much I knew.  Let me be more specific:  Why does VIM have 
> this problem after succwssful exit and not when I try to edit a file?  Why 
> does it not try to open the display X fashion at start up?

xterm runs curses-ish programs like less and vim on a separate screen.
If you fire up vim and issue ":!echo foo", foo (and the "press enter"
prompt) will be echoed on the normal xterm screen, and those messages
should already be there by then.

Why vim tries to talk to X11 when starting up in an xterm is something I
never figured out.

..: Chad Daelhousen == [EMAIL PROTECTED] :.........: sig v3.2 :...
: Programming for 11 +/- 2 years (52.4 +/- 9.5% of a lifetime) :
:.............Featurrific: from feature + horrific or terrific.:

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