Another possible solution is the "new" Blackdown release of 1.4.1 that
is already compiled with gcc-3.2.  This should fix java-plugin problems
as well.


On Fri, 2003-02-14 at 16:19, Ulf Kister wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to install a java GUI application on gentoo and experienced
> two hurdles to take. Since I think other gentoo users might get stuck
> in the same traps, I post the solutions here:
> 1. Problem:
> The installer/launcher complains about being able to open neither
> nor
> <snip>
> dirname: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> /bin/ls: error while loading shared libraries:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> </snip>
> The solution (Thank you, Anders!) is with a good probaility to modify
> the installer/launcher like this:
> $ sed 's/LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=/'#D_ASSUME_KERNEL=/g' <installer> > <new_installer>
> 2. Problem:
> More complaints to come. Now it is the lack of libstdc++:
> <snip>
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
> /opt/sun-jdk-
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> </snip>
> Now you have two alternatives:
> - The first and fast solution is either to "emerge sys-libs/lib-compat" 
>   (contains the desired library, a reminiscence to gcc-2.9.x), which
>   makes things work (at least in my case). Thanks again Anders and
>   Paul! 
> - The second solution (which I can definitely recommend, becaus it
>   speeds up things significantly) is compiling Suns JDK from source
>   with your shiny new gcc-3.2.
>   I did "emerge /usr/portage/dev-java/sun-j2sdk/sun-j2sdk-1.4.1.ebuild" 
>   because this one does not conflict with openmotif (I love Xemacs,
>   your milage may vary).
>   Now knows about your system and will know where to
>   look for what - without the old libstdc++ and with a speedup you can
>   feel (don't ask for the factor, jboss initializes with factor ~0.8).
> Thank you for being such a great help and hope this helps too
> Regards, Ulf
> --
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