By resolved I mean there were instructions on how to get PHP to emerge.
That's a resolution.

The other thing you can do is emerge the Java SDK 1.4.1 from Sun.  While
I've not tried it (Java support for PHP just isn't important to me) it
should work.

emerge -u php DOES work out of the box on all 6 servers I have + my laptop.
But then I have -java in the USE settings on all my machines.

FWIW, this issue reared it's ugly head a few months ago also. A previous
version of PHP failed if you didn't remove Java support. (presumably, unless
you had the correct version of Java) It's the reason I have -java in my USE

* Cal Evans
* Stay Plugged Into Your Audience

-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Lie Hetland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 2:21 PM
To: gentoo-user
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] PHP emerge error

> check the archives, this was solved earlier this week. It has to do with
> JDK's before 1.4.1.

It doesn't seem quite "resolved" to me. It's fine that emerging the
a masked-out jdk fixes things, but shouldn't simply

  emerge -u php

work, out of the box? To have it crash seems like a bug to me...

Magnus Lie Hetland               "Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist."                                   -- Indiana Jones

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