Have a look at /dev and see if the link hda2 exists. If not then try this:

mount /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 /newroot/mnt/iso

That should work if /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part2 exists and do exactly the 
same thing.

On 21 Feb 2003 12:38:50 -0800
George Mathews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What lies ahead is not for the faint of heart.
> My laptop has no built in disck drives except a hard drive. I have read
> how to install linux on it. 
> I need one of two things to work in order to insatll gentoo. They are
> the ability to use a usb cdrom to install or the ability to mount a vfat
> partition that has the iso image on it like with redhats install.
> What happens when I try to install is the gentoo installer boots and
> then gets to the part later where it tries to mount the cdrom and fails.
> It then drops me into a shell and I try this:
>       mkdir /newroot/mnt/iso
>       mount -t vfat /dev/hda2 /newroot/mnt/iso
> It fails here saying no such device. The thing is that in proc and such
> it says that the partion exists
> I would then mount the gentoo iso image and continue the install.
> Any help would be appriciated.
> One idea I was thinking of was installing redhat and then making an
> exxt2 partition, putting the iso on that and trying to mount that and
> then the iso.
> -- 
> Thank You,
>       George Mathews
> --
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