Mat Branyon wrote:
I just recently switched to gentoo.  I am using fluxbox and it never
seems to keep the time correct.  I just updated the time via ntpdate
(which is also set in my crontab to run every nite).  It had the right
time, but now I look at it and it's roughly an hour and ten minutes
fast.  What does this kind of error mean?  How would I fix it?

This is the ntpdate output:

24 Feb 14:25:30 ntpdate[15564]: adjust time server offset
-0.208179 sec

It's not an error. Don't worry about fixing it. It's just ntpdate's way of telling you what it did to set your clock. In your crontab, append this to your ntpdate line: ">/dev/null 2>&1" and you won't get any more of these reports from cron.


Stephen W. Juranich                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical Engineering
University of Washington  

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