On Monday 03 March 2003 16:18, Michael Maeder wrote:
> Hi
> I'd like to run Gentoo on a Soekris board. This board has a Compact
> Flash slot, which should hold the operating system.
> So I shrinked Gentoo to fit on a 64MB CF card (can be shrinked even a
> lot more).
> Now my question: To avoid too much writting access to the CF, I'd like
> to mount the whole filesystem readonly, and only create a ramfs or tmpfs
> for /var.
> Does anybody out there in the Gentoo world has some experience about
> changing startup scripts (/etc/init.d/....). Or tips.....

Look at the installation CD / liveCD

they are gentoo on a ro medium


Paul de Vrieze
Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net

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