I would go about it like this:

cd /
tar cvjpf /a/directory/with/enough/space/for/my/whole/system/gentoo.tbz2 *

Then scp or sftp gentoo.tbz2 onto the server you are speaking of.

scp or sftp gentoo.tbz2 onto the new lappie and do the following:

tar xvjpf gentoo.tbz2 /

onto your / partition once you have re-installed Windows (I'm
assuming you are going to dual-boot the box again). Just go ahead and
boot up with any Gentoo Live-CD and follow the x86 install how-to up
until the point where it asks you to untar any one of the
stage-1/stage-3 tarballs... then instead of using a stage1-stage3
tarball, use gentoo.tbz2. You should then just need to run grub and
edit your /etc/fstab to suit your new partitioning scheme (if you
change it at all). Shouldnt take you more than 30 minutes to be back
where you left off.

I suggest you look @ the UML how-to and use the relevant parts and
ideas for your current situation. You should just be able to untar
the above and just install grub and be off and running. Ive never
created a *.tbz2 out of 7GB's (largest I've created is 2.7GB Base
Gentoo Linux System with goodies) so make sure *.tbz2 can handle 7GB's.


Louis C. Candell

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