On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 17:14, Ben Sparks wrote:
> After I "emerge -u world" everything seems fine, execpt it says in 
> bright yellow print  "IMPORTANT: 1 config file in /etc needs updating.  
> Ok, not a problem right?...not so much.  When I ran the "find /ect 
> -iname '._cfg???_*' " command it states that /etc/._cfg0000_make.conf is 
> the culprit, but gives no instructions on how to update it?  How do I 
> update this config file...or does it really need to be updated.  Thanks


Config protect by default won't let your config files in /etc be
overwritten.  Instead, they'll be labeled ._cfg[number]_[filename]. 
Just run etc-update to get diffs and choose a version.


Alec Berryman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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