On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 04:38:24PM -0600, Alec Berryman wrote:

> > Now, here is my idea.  Create a third user, 'admin'.  Add 'admin' to the 
> > 'wheel' group instead of dcarrera, but give admin the ability to install 
> > regular packages.  In other words, admin would have write access to /usr.
> > 
> > So, when I want to install a regular package I would su to admin.  And 
> > when I need to do something more (like modify /etc, /boot, /bin, etc) I 
> > would su again to become root.
> Yes and no.  The problem comes when a program tries to install
> system-wide settings to /etc.  Everything from metalog to prozilla does
> this.  Gentoo doesn't do much with installing into /usr/local, but you
> might want to investigate that if you are doing manual compilation.

Are all system-wide settings in a particular directory? (e.g. 
/etc/settings).  If so, could I then create 'admin' and give him write 
access to /usr and - say - /etc/settings ?  Would that be a good idea? 
(from the point of view of security).

> Protecting /boot is equally as easy - make it a separate, small
> partition and don't allow write access - or don't even mount it.

Do I need /boot mounted to boot the system?
Can I just comment out the '/boot ...' line in /etc/fstab?

Daniel Carrera
Graduate Teaching Assistant.  Math Dept.
University of Maryland.  (301) 405-5137

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