On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:15:26 +0000
Ales Stibal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello there,
> someone posted here security note for emerge. I appreciate
> this question, because I wonder emerge is running as root all the
> time?
> Why not to setiud only while downloading and compiling?
> For example emerge user/group will write to /usr/portage/distfiles and
> building directory ...
> Any comments? I hope this was not asked already ;c)
> I am new to Gentoo, using it just 4 days ... but I finding Gentoo one
> of the best distros I've ever seen.
> Thanx,        Astib();

Latest version of portage creates a make.conf in your /etc directory
with the following comments in it. Note the userpriv option:

# FEATURES are settings that affect the functionality of portage. Most
# of
#     these settings are for developer use, but some are available to
#     non- developers as well. 'buildpkg' is an always-on setting for
#     the emerge flag of the same name. It causes binary packages to be
#     created of all packages that are merged. 'distcc' enables distcc
#     support for via CC.'userpriv' allows portage to drop root
#     privleges while it is compiling as a security measure, and as a
#     side effect this can remove sandbox access violations for users.
#     'usersandbox' enables sandboxing while portage is running under
#     userpriv. 'noclean' prevents portage from removing the source and
#     temporary files after a merge -- for debugging purposes only.
#     'noauto' is a feature which causes ebuild to perform the action
#     requested and not any other required actions like clean or unpack
#     -- for debugging purposes only.
#FEATURES="sandbox buildpkg ccache distcc userpriv usersandbox noclean


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