On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 18:54, Alex Walker wrote:
> The new portage can use the userpriv stuff, and I have it enabled.
> Part of this requires the distfiles directory to be g+rw, hence every time 
> portage is run, it appears that portage runs "chmod -R g+rw 
> /store/distfiles/" (yes, that's where my distfiles are).  The problem occurs 
> when it's recursing into the cvs-src directory.. in which I have a few things 
> - - the whole of KDE, E17 and galeon to name the main ones.  This means there's 
> 174394 files and directories being chmodded each time portage is run... 
> obviously slowing it down considerably... my distfiles dir is only 1043 
> files, so it is about 174 times slower than just doing that dir...
> Solutions I could do right now:
> i)    Change the cvs root place, so it doesn't do this... but would this muck up 
> userpriv stuff still?
> ii)   Disable userpriv
> It'd be nice if there was a more elegant solution than those I think... any 
> ideas?

As per my reply to Norberto Bensa [ReadOnly???]


Edit /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/portage.py and comment out the 4
lines (all together) mentioning chgrp, chown, somewhere around line 1435

Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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