Stage 1 is just a base - well not even a system. It's a tarball with enough stuff in it to allow you to emerge sync and then build a system. It builds everything - the entire system, the whole thing! After untaring stage1 you have a very minimal system - just enough to start building the system. That's what bootstrap does (it's an old computer term). Bootstrap takes what you untarred, builds the system and eventually gets you to the point where you can then add the system packages.

Stage 2 has more built into it and less compiling - it's closer to the end product.

Stage 3 is even closer to being ready to run.

Why use them:

Stage 1 - it builds everything - the entire system, the whole thing - hence it is optimized for your machine. The downside is it can take a long time to build this way.

Stage 2 and 3 - These have a lot of the system already compiled. However, the compiles were done for a "generic" machine. The downside is that many of the programs are not optimized for your system. The upside is that it takes less time to get a system up and running.

I've only done stage 1 installs but the two systems I've done them on have been a dual Athlon 1.9 gig and a dual PIII 933 so it didn't take tha
On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 14:31:03 -0500
Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've read the Gentoo x86 installation instructions. I have them in front of me right now. I don't entirely understand the difference between stage1, stage2 and stage3 tarballs. I have some questions that might clear things up for me:

* What is the bootstrap process (in this context)?
I know that the difference between stage1 and stage2 is that stage2 skips this. Why would I want to go through the bootstrap process? What does it compile?

* I get the impression that stage3 doesn't compile anything. Is this correct?
So with stage2 you compile your system, but with stage3 you just install pre-compiled binaries just like all the other Linux distributions.
Am I right?

Thanks for the help.

Daniel Carrera
Graduate Teaching Assistant.  Math Dept.
University of Maryland.  (301) 405-5137

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