Excellent!  I will try this tonight once I get back to my htoel room.
(i'm at the SANS2003 conference (man is San Diego nice!))  :)

On Sat, 8 Mar 2003, Louis C. Candell wrote:

> > Any graceful way to recover from, uhhh, accidentally whacking
> > "/etc/init.d"??
> >
> Now why would you do such a silly thing like that? :p
> I've made silly mistakes like that, and the only solution I found was having
> someone give me a copy of their /WHATEVERIDELETED
> So here:
>         * http://www.ossh.com/linux/gentoo/initd.tbz2
>         * tar -xvjpf initd.tbz2
>         * the above command will untar it as /etc/init.d
> Hope that helps.
> --
> Louis C. Candell
> --
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